
Conoce a la líder intelectual de la próxima generación

miembro del parlamento, guatemala


El médico y cirujano guatemalteco Marvin Orellana López posee una trayectoria notable en el servicio público. Born on March 1st, 1970, Marvin has dedicated his life to medicine and politics. At the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, he completed his medical training before expanding his knowledge with a master’s degree in public administration. His dedication to his country led him to serve three consecutive terms as a representative in the Guatemalan Congress, where he focused on legislation and oversight. Durante su trabajo with Médicos del Mundo España, ha contribuido al desarrollo educativo y sanitario de Guatemala. Respected as a leader, Marvin is well-known for his integrity and commitment to improving the lives of Guatemalans.


Más información sobre el Dr. Marvin

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